November 5th
November 5th:
Today was a late start, but still a big day. We first spent about two hours observing the square that Joy's class is reinacting for their "autocours" for the next week. We went for the cleanup which people hadn't seen before. After the hustle and bustle, there were teh enormouse green street cleaning crews that I remember from my first time in Paris. From there, Joy and I spent the rest of the afternoon at the Picasso Museum. It is an interesting collection with very few of his more famous works in it. It goes through his works chronologically, with a few mixed rooms with sculpures downstairs. The sculptures were great, and Joy and I discovered that we like very diffferent periods of his art. Joy loves pure cubism, and I preffer his much later work, when he simplifies his lines and shapes, but keeps the details and his knack for exageration bordering on grotesque.
After the Picasso Museum, we met Nir (in Joy's class and from Isreal) at his apartment and chatted for a while. After long discussion of whether he was going to go out, as a friend of his had told him he had to, or not - we found a place to eat and went to a late dinner instead. The place was wildly decorated, as somewhere that names itself "Paris's first gay restaurant" should be, and the food was fully decent. Joy had Kageroo and said it was the best meal she has had in Paris. And the company was fantastic!!
The rest of the night turned into a fiasco as we missed the last train back to the houseboat, and instead caught another one that took us nearby, but we weren't exactly sure where. We ended up walking the wrong direction for 40 minutes, figuring it out, then walking back. When we got to the boat at about 2:30 we sadly discovered that Joy's roommate had company - so it was blankets and sleeping bags in the dining room area, and plans to find a hotel the next day.
Darling? It's not in the least bit June. Not even a little.
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